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ECE 2020: Fundamentals of Digital Design

Goals - Introductory Assembly Programming

  • Know the instruction types and formats of a RISC instruction set.

  • Know how fields associated with opcode, register operands, and immediate operands can be decoded into control signals for the single cycle datapath.

  • Using a MIPS-like ISA, be able to write simple straight-line assembly code sequences, including arithmetic, memory, and branching operations, using the expanded single cycle datapath.

  • Use conditional branches are used to implement if-then-else and loop constructs in assembly language programs.

  • Use SLT and SLTI to implement all comparative branch types.

  • Understand how conditional branches can be implemented in the single cycle datapath.

  • Use definition of BEQ and BNE to compute word and byte branch offsets for forward and backward branches.

  • Understand the branch range of the branch and jump instructions. Know the difference between absolute and relative branching.